Don’t forget Garlic

Chop up 6-7 cloves of garlic in small pieces. I sometimes use a garlic press.

If you haven’t figured it out yet by reading this blog or my book, I like honey a lot. I like making herbal preparations with honey. This simple honey/garlic infusion preparation packs a mighty antimicrobial punch. When nothing else seemed to work in my herbal medicine chest to recover from a cold or flu, this honey/garlic preparation always came through. It also is a GREAT PREVENTATIVE.

This is my favorite way to take raw garlic. I have tried all kinds of other ways but this works for me as it is always there in the refrigerator when I need it.

I use it as a preventative now a days along with the elderberry syrup. I used to use it at the end of an illness but now I use it as a way of staying healthy. I must admit it is harder for me to take just a teaspoon than it used to be. It can be quite strong. Although it never bothered me before I find that putting the honey/garlic on a cracker or piece of bread makes for a better delivery system.

I also use plenty of garlic in my cooking. I stock up on the freshest local garlic in the fall.

Pour honey over the garlic completely covering the garlic pieces. I usually use about 1/4 cup of honey.

Stirring the mixture.
I put it on a cracker. I used to be able to take a teaspoon down the hatch, not any more. This seems to work well.

Several years ago I was surrounded by sickly twenty-year olds. They were at home and at work. They kept spreading their illnesses around and getting re-infected and or course not taking care of them selves. So I made two huge batches of Garlic Honey Infusions and insisted that they all take a teaspoon everyday until they got better. It worked. That’s where I learned that not everyone can tolerate the strong stuff and taking it with a cracker or bread helps it go down.

Label your jar with the date and ingredients. Store in the refrigerator. It keeps for several months.

1 Comment

  1. Jo Anne Pedersen

    Good idea as winter is already here.

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